Security Trade Control

    Mitutoyo Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. and its subsidiaries (herein known as MAP Group) share the concern of the international community on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons. MAP Group recognizes the need for safeguards against the export or re-export of our Mitutoyo products which may be regarded as strategic goods.

    Strategic goods defined by the international export control regimes refers to items and their related technology that can be used to produce weapons of mass destruction and missiles capable of delivering such weapons. These include arms and military equipment, and commercial items that can be used to develop weapons of mass destruction.



    In recognizing the need for safeguards, Mitutoyo have established the “Mitutoyo Export Control Program”. In compliance with this program, MAP Group follows five basic policies:

    1.   For contributions to international peace and security maintenance

    • Understand the purpose of such Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan and relevant laws of the respective countries
    • To implement the appropriate export control in light of Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan and relevant laws of the respective countries and social conditions.


    2.   For the export of cargo, etc.

    • Comply with the Japan Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law and the relevant laws of the respective countries.


    3.   All of the officers and employees of the company

    • Each person has to understand the purpose of such Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law and the relevant laws of the respective countries.
    • Make unremitting efforts for the compliance with laws and regulations and implement the appropriate export control.


    4.   In order for compliance of such Laws and the implementation of appropriate export control

    • Define the roles, responsibilities and authority of the company in the security export control-related business, the development of export control system, enhance, promote and ensuring reliable execution.


    5.   In order to ensure the reliable and proper execution of the export control system

    • Proactively receive guidance and audit by a third party of experts.


    Currently, MAP Group is committed to the recovery of social trust. We are working to reform and raise the collective effort of all MAP group, including overseas subsidiaries. This will be achieved through strict compliance with the “Basic Policies” through organizational structure, export control procedures, transaction screening, shipment control, audit & the management of overseas subsidiaries.



    When exporting and relocating our products overseas, we must perform transaction screening based on Japan Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or the relevant laws in the respective countries. If applicable to list regulations, we must obtain a license from the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the relevant authority in the respective countries. In addition, if our products which are in the catch-all regulations applicable goods will be intended for use for weapons of mass destruction, we must seek permission from the relevant authorities in the respective exporting countries.
